For document \(\mathbf{d}^i\), the fully factorized variational distribution is, $$q^d(\lambda^i, \epsilon^i_j, \{z_l\}^i_j | \xi^i_j, \{\gamma_l\}^i_j) = q(\lambda^i | \rho^i) \prod_{j=1}^{S^i} q(\epsilon^i_j | \xi^i_j) \prod_{l=1}^{N^i_j} q(z^i_{jl} | \gamma^i_{jl}).$$ Thus, the Jensen's lower bound on the log probability of document \(\mathbf{d}^i\) can be computed as: $$ \begin{equation} \begin{split} \mathcal{L}(\rho^i, \xi^i_j, \gamma^i_{jl}; \theta, \beta, \pi, \alpha) &= E[\log p(\lambda^i | \alpha)] + \sum_{j=1}^{S^i} E[\log \epsilon^i_j | \pi] \sum_{j=1}^{S^i} \sum_{l=1}^{N^i_j} E[\log(z^i_{jl} | \vartheta^i_j) ] + \sum_{j=1}^{S^i} \sum_{l=1}^{N^i_j} E[\log p(w^i_{j \cdot l} | z^i_{jl}, \beta_{z^i_{j \cdot l}})] \\ &- E[\log q(\lambda^i | \rho^i)] - \sum_{j=1}^{S^i} E[\log q(\epsilon^i_j | \xi^i_j)] - \sum_{j=1}^{S^i} \sum_{l=1}^{N^i_j} E[\log q(z^i_{jl} | \gamma^i_{jl})], \end{split} \end{equation} $$ where the last three terms indicate the entropies of the variational distributions.
\(\alpha\): For each document \(\mathbf{d}^i\), the involved terms which contain \(\alpha\) are: $$\mathcal{L}(\alpha^i) = \log \Gamma(\sum_{k=1}^K \alpha^i_k) - \sum_{k=1}^K \log \Gamma(\alpha^i_k) + \sum_{k=1}^K (\alpha^i_k - 1)(\Psi(\rho^i_k) - \Psi(\sum_{k^{'}=1}^K \rho^i_{k^{'}})).$$ We use gradient descent method by taking derivative of the terms with respect to \(\pi\) and \(\alpha\) to find the estimations of them, respectively. The linear-time Newton-Raphson algorithm can be invoked here.
\(\beta\): we isolate the corresponding terms and get the following update equation: $$\beta_{kv} \propto \sum_{i=1}^B \sum_{j=1}^{S^i} \sum_{l=1}^{N^i_j} \gamma^i_{j\cdot lk} \cdot (w^i_{jl})^v.$$
\(\theta\): The update equation of the word embedding matrix \(\theta\) is as follows: $$\theta_{vk} \propto \sum_i^B \sum_j^{S^i} \gamma^i_{j \cdot vk} \cdot \frac{\xi^i_{j, v^{w^i_j}}}{\sum_{l^{'}}^{N^i_j +1} \xi^i_{j\cdot l^{'}}}.$$
For \(\theta\), we compute the intermediate global parameter \(\hat{\theta}\) given \(M\) replicates of each document in the \(\mathbf{b}\), and average them in the update: $$ \begin{equation} \hat{\theta}_{vk} \propto \frac{M}{B}\sum_i^B \sum_j^{S^i} \gamma^i_{j \cdot vk} \cdot \frac{\xi^i_{j, v^{w^i_j}}} { \sum_{l^{'}}^{N^i_j +1} \xi^i_{j\cdot l^{'}}}. \tag{1} \end{equation} $$
Let \(w^b\) denote the unseen words appeared in \(\mathbf{b}\), and \(w_{\_}^b\) indicates the old words which both observed in \(\mathbf{b}\) and the previous mini-batches.
For \(w^b\), we update the current estimate of the global \(\theta_{w^b}\) with \(\hat{\theta}\) directly.
For \(w^b_{\_}\), we update \(\theta_{w^b_{\_}}\) using a weighted average of its previous values \(\theta_{w^b_{\_}}\) and the new value \(\theta_{w^b_{\_}}^b\) learned by Eq.(1) in current batch \(\mathbf{b}\). After computing the gradient by \(\nabla \theta_{w^b_{\_}} = \theta_{w^b_{\_}} - \theta_{w^b_{\_}}^b\), we can update \(\theta_{w^b_{\_}}\) following: $$\theta_{w^b_{\_}} = \theta_{w^b_{\_}} - \psi^b \cdot \nabla \theta_{w^b_{\_}} = \theta_{w^b_{\_}} - \psi^b \cdot (\theta_{w^b_{\_}} - \theta_{w^b_{\_}}^b) = (1- \psi^b) \cdot \theta_{w^b_{\_}} + \psi^b \cdot \theta_{w^b_{\_}}^b.$$ where \(\psi^b\) represents the step-size in the iteration of \(\mathbf{b}\). As described in [3], the step-size given to \(\theta_{w^b_{\_}}\) is obtained by, $$\psi^b = (\tau_0 + b)^{-\eta}, \tau_0 \geq 0,$$ where \(\eta \in (0.5,1]\) controls the rate at which old values of \(\theta_{w_{\_}^{b}}\) are forgotten, and the delay \(\tau_0 \geq 0\) down-weights early iterations.
The \(\beta\) can be updated by, $$ \beta_{vk} = (1- \psi^b) \cdot \beta_{vk} + \psi^b \cdot \frac{M}{B} \sum_{i=1}^B \sum_{j=1}^{S^i} \sum_{l=1}^{N^i_j} \gamma^i_{j\cdot lk} \cdot (w^i_{jl})^v.$$
We update the current global parameters \(\pi\) and \(\alpha\) as same as \(\beta\).
Many current vector-space models of lexical semantics create a single ''prototype'' vector to represent the meaning of a word, or learn multi-prototype word embeddings. Some recent studies attempted to train multi-prototype word embeddings through clustering context window features [4][5], or defining the word embedding number by topics[6][7], or using a specific probability process, such as Chinese restaurant process[8][9]. Differently, ACWE doesn't hold any restricted assumptions for multi-prototype. Each word has an original basic embedding learned from global document information, and an adjusted embedding is generated through the original basic embedding and its present context.
Comparing with ELMo[10], the word embeddings learned by ACWE are non-negative, because the word embeddings \(\theta\) are generated by a Dirichlet distribution. The non-negative assumption for word embeddings is a good choice for improving the interpretability of word representations described in [11]. The word embeddings learned by ACWE are the semantic distributions over latent interpretable semantics, which is one type of non-negative word embeddings.
We also provide a slice of the preprocessed data from Wikipedia and the labels information.
Models | WordSim-353 | SimLex-999 | Rare Word | MTruk-771 | MEN |
PPMI | 0.624 | 0.241 | 0.305 | 0.295 | 0.448 |
Sparse Coding | 0.596 | 0.304 | 0.388 | 0.301 | 0.476 |
CBOW | 0.672 | 0.388 | 0.452 | 0.333 | 0.509 |
Skip-Gram | 0.707 | 0.361 | 0.456 | 0.352 | 0.549 |
NNSE | 0.686 | 0.276 | 0.418 | 0.314 | 0.492 |
GloVe | 0.592 | 0.324 | 0.341 | 0.370 | 0.479 |
Sparse CBOW | 0.670 | 0.425 | 0.423 | 0.304 | 0.518 |
ACWE | 0.713 | 0.427 | 0.431 | 0.369 | 0.550 |
MP-VSM | Multiple-WP | PM-MP | MSSG | TWE | NTSG | STE | ELMo | ACWE |
0.594 | 0.657 | 0.636 | 0.692 | 0.681 | 0.685 | 0.680 | 0.703 | 0.720 |
Words | Ranking lists with the corresponding cosine distances |
education | (students, 0.99152), (school, 0.99041), (university, 0.98896),
(year, 0.98834), (college, 0.98826), (post, 0.98798), (report, 0.98790), (public, 0.98774), (teaching, 0.98745) |
China | (largest, 0.98666), (Chinese, 0.98556), (Singapore, 0.98455),
(united, 0.98433), (Asia, 0.98414), (commission, 0.98339), (kingdom, 0.98320), (Russia, 0.98299), (employees, 0.98243) |
movie | (music, 0.98738), (stars, 0.98711), (writer, 0.98508),
(famous, 0.98484), (film, 0.98470), (broadcast, 0.98422), (drama, 0.98416), (song, 0.98402), (actor, 0.98393) |
university | (school, 0.99299), (academic, 0.99281), (founded, 0.99255),
(students, 0.99236), (college, 0.99211), (year, 0.98999), (science, 0.98907), (education, 0.98896), (international, 0.98886) |
programming | (computers, 0.98290), (MIT, 0.98193), (intelligence, 0.98180),
(implementation, 0.98145), (computing, 0.98142), (artificial, 0.981), (technologies, 0.98055), (digital, 0.9805),(communication, 0.9801) |
Ranking of semantics | Ranking of semantics | ||
county | -2.33009 [county, national, historic, located, district] -2.787075 [park, river, valley, lake, located] -2.986754 [local, authority, city, area, region] -3.159863 [south, west, north, east, England] -3.184729 [house, historic, style, story, places] |
teachers | -2.575236 [school, year, students, center, community] -2.732226 [society, association, members, founded, professional] -2.927829 [knowledge, information, management, social, technology] -3.521457 [education, centre, college, university, Dr.] -3.591531 [people, group, including, world, country] |
collaboration | -3.096477 [research, project, institute, foundation, projects] -3.221537 [people, group, including, world, country] -3.293681 [network, open, access, information, Internet] -3.385679 [born, American, January, September, December] -3.425838 [development, health, organization, global, European] |
genomics | -1.422867 [biology, molecular, cell, gene, protein] -1.610026 [species, evolution, biological, natural, humans] -2.701144 [human, theory, study, social, individual] -3.071058 [human, brain, mental, cognitive, psychology] -3.19488 [concept, terms, object, defined, objects] |
heroes | -2.095737 [produced, series, film, films, short] -2.755976 [war, army, battle, regiment, navy] -3.104434 [American, radio, writer, television, show] -3.170857 [Chinese, China, Ng, Beijing, Han] -3.315436 [royal,William, son, died, thomas] |
spectrum | -2.463454 [mobile, devices, phone, software, solutions] -2.895491 [light, energy, device, speed, motion] -3.037028 [molecules, acid, carbon, molecule, compounds] -3.191403 [design, power, technology, electronic, equipment] -3.372741 [game, playstation, Xbox, nintendo, games] |
template | -0.492592 [category, articles, template, automatically, added] -2.778984 [page, article, talk, add, Wikiproject] -3.872837 [function, distribution, linear, graph, functions] -3.969277 [system, systems, developed, based, control] -4.108504 [data, processing, applications, information, text] |
prof | -3.045664 [professor, university, science, scientist, computer] -3.12606 [university, professor, academic, philosophy, studies] -3.262579 [born, American, January, September, December] -3.352558 [author, books, science, work, German] -3.425612 [people, group, including, world, country] |
papers | -3.121343 [journal, peer, reviewed, editor, published] -3.132917 [born, American, January, September, December] -3.271758 [author, books, science, work, German] -3.421435 [book, published, work, English, history] -3.453628 [university, professor, academic, philosophy, studies] |
comedians | -2.149376 [television, show, aired, episode, episodes] -2.225051 [American, radio, writer, television, show] -2.585478 [produced, series, film, films, short] -2.797709 [released, series, video, TV, DVD] -2.946048 [film, directed, drama, comedy, starring] |
microphones | -2.307427 [audio, LG, microphones, tootsie, amplifiers] -2.315667 [design, power, technology, electronic, equipment] -2.713826 [company, electronics, manufacturer, corporation, market] -3.129284 [company, founded, owned, sold, business] -3.188213 [mobile, devices, phone, software, solutions] |
health | -2.975491 [care, health, services, hospital, patients] -3.141724 [blood, symptoms, risk, vaccine, pregnancy] -3.219858 [development, health, organization, global, European] -3.27917 [high, includes, including, related, level] -3.314238 [medical, medicine, center, health, clinical] |
computers | -2.97187 [system, systems, developed, based, control] -3.094254 [design, power, technology, electronic, equipment] -3.240674 [computer, computing, computers, graphics, dos] -3.366713 [mobile, devices, phone, software, solutions] -3.406292 [network, open, access, information, Internet] |
biomedical | -2.986134 [research, project, institute, foundation, projects] -2.988148 [science, physics, field, scientific, sciences] -3.168841 [biology, molecular, cell, gene, protein] -3.203789 [human, theory, study, social, individual] -3.217035 [medical, medicine, center, health, clinical] |
Books or papers printed today, by the same publisher, and from the same type as when they were first published, are still the first editions of these books to a bibliographer. | I know of a research group in a university where students submit some academic papers without their professor having read them, let alone contributing to the work. |
-0.140819 [published, book, written, wrote, edition] -2.286497 [journal, peer, reviewed, scientific, academic] -3.945425 [type, volume, frequently, visual, notably] -5.231559 [included, magazine, leading, editor, press] -6.079971 [records, record, index, literature, reference] |
-0.823609 [research, project, foundation, led, projects] -1.037011 [journal, peer, reviewed, scientific, academic] -2.664416 [university, professor, faculty, Harvard, department] -3.089699 [field, study, studies, scientific, fields] -3.266090 [students, student, teaching, teachers, teacher] |
Biomedical definition, the application of the natural sciences, especially the biological and physiological sciences, to clinical medicine. | The treatments available at biomedical Center include natural herbs, special diet, vitamins and minerals, lifestyle counseling, positive attitude, and conventional medical treatments when indicated. |
-1.009875 [field, study, studies, scientific, fields] -1.171692 [biology, molecular, biological, genetics, ecology] -2.172841 [medical, medicine, clinical, patient, surgery] -2.231589 [institute, established, centre, private, institution] -3.357441 [science, fellow, MIT, Stanford, laboratory] |
-0.826321 [center, Massachusetts, Boston, Dr., Md.] -0.864242 [medical, medicine, clinical, patient, surgery] -2.540809 [include, applications, processing, large, techniques] -3.798415 [natural, areas, land, environmental, environment] -4.364615 [disease, treatment, effects, cancer, risk] |
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. | A railbus is a light weight passenger rail vehicle that shares many aspects of its construction with a bus. | Heavy weights are good for developing strength and targeting specific muscle, and light weights are good for build and maintain lean muscle. |
--0.129370 [nuclear, light, radiation, magnetic, experiments] -3.438747 [term, refers, word, meaning, means] -3.585760 [image, images, color, vision, camera] -3.752776 [line, station, railway, operated, bus] -4.770996 [energy, mass, particles’, electron, atomic] |
-0.440478 [line, station, railway, operated, bus] -1.815225 [body, exercise, lower, weight, strength] -2.777080 [process, single, typically, multiple, result] -3.266629 [original, play, stage, theatre, tragedy] -4.287032 [construction, formed, cross, bridge, replaced] |
-1.226888 [common, specific, terms, concept, object] -1.251034 [body, exercise, lower, weight, strength] -2.309753 [cell, cells, blood, growth, muscle] -2.868760 [process, single, typically, multiple, result] -2.941860 [due, high, low, quality, additional] |
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